Why in the world am I a Marriage and Family therapist?
That’s a question that’s been traveling with me long before I stepped foot into grad school.
The draw to psychotherapy has always had some layer of mystery to it.
Maybe its attributed to a mom who’s passionate about genuine, healing conversations, or growing up with a safe and caring dad, or crying more times than I can count as I watched my all-time favorite movie, “Ordinary People”, or my own journey of growth through personal therapy.
Whatever it is that’s played a role, the truth is that,
I love depth.
I love connecting genuinely.
I love being a part of others being freed from judgment and the pains of their past.
And I especially love experiencing them light up about life now.
Outside therapy, I spend my time:
cooking for hours until my feet hurt
going on long hiking adventures
working out everyday
Taking Scenic Drives
playing passionate pickleball matches
getting hooked on new dark detective TV series
Being a novice handyman
Benjamin Hoover, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist LMFT96848