Why in the world am I a Marriage and Family therapist?

That’s a question that’s been traveling with me long before I stepped foot into grad school.

The draw to psychotherapy has always had some layer of mystery to it.

Maybe its attributed to a mom who’s passionate about genuine, healing conversations, or growing up with a safe and caring dad, or crying more times than I can count as I watched my all-time favorite movie, “Ordinary People”, or my own journey of growth through personal therapy.

Whatever it is that’s played a role, the truth is that,

I love depth.

I love connecting genuinely.

I love being a part of others being freed from judgment and the pains of their past.

And I especially love experiencing them light up about life now.

Outside therapy, I spend my time:

  • cooking for hours until my feet hurt

  • going on long hiking adventures

  • working out everyday

  • Taking Scenic Drives

  • playing passionate pickleball matches

  • getting hooked on new dark detective TV series

  • Being a novice handyman


Benjamin Hoover, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist LMFT96848